
Monday, 3 October 2011

Doctor Who Crafts - Felt 1964 Dalek Plush

I started on this felt plush a few months back when I was obsessed with making them, but really only finished yesterday because I got lazy and wasn't bothered to attach the last few dots. It is, to the best of my ability, modeled after the 1964 Dalek as seen in The Dead Planet (also shown in the photos).

I took them outside today for an autumn photoshoot:

In all honesty, it looks completely derpy compared to the actual Dalek figure. It has a giant head, and wibbly-wobbly appendages. For a first try, however, I am quite happy with how it turned out.

I have bags of felt lying around my room now, but I don't have the motivation to do anything with it as of yet.